It's funny how it takes a 6 yr old, scared of tape removal, to point out how the fight against CF is easy. He can do his treatments, take all his medicines, stay "not-sick"....but Mommy, I really REALLY hate that tape. It really REALLY hurts.
My little man. So strong.
My strong little man. Times like this my heart just bleeds for him, and at the same time I am so thankful to be HIS mommy.
He really really wanted to show off his PICC line, probably because he was so strong peeling off that big tape and he is very proud, and so am I. I debated not posting it, but what the heck do I know....
He thinks the blood is the coolest part :-)
So, we had a special Mommy and Sage Christmas night. I went to the cafeteria and bought us 4 different kinds of chips, we snuggled up in his hospital bed, and we watched a Christmas classics marathon...Grinch who stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and the Rockefeller tree lighting. With some mommy hugs, all was right with the world again.....
A special thank you to Nana and Nannie, Mal and Nick for their cool Toys, balloons and chocolate treats :-) Sage was very very happy to see that someone besides mommy knew he was here at the hospital. I reassured him that EVERYONE knows he is here and is cheering him on everyday....and showed him all the people who have left comments on facebook and the blog for him. He said Wow, that's as many people as at Thanksgiving at Nana's....and that is a that was kinda funny :-)
And so, with another "blood shot" looming in 48 minutes...we will end this day with happy thoughts of peace and blankie love :-)
night night super-sage. i love u more than u will ever know <3
xoxo, Mommy